words of a polymath
Listen: The Polymath Civil Servant Who Writes Poetry and Innovates, Aaron Maniam
If you've got two hours to spare, skip the Netflix and listen to this insightful interview.
Some parts I liked:
- It's possible to learn to use your non-dominant side of the brain and sharpen the skills or knowledge that don't come as naturally to you. Dedicate the time and effort.
- Learned extroversion is sometimes essential for the introvert.
- A great mentor = someone who is able to empathise and listen to the mentee, acknowledge that he/she may not have all the answers but asks the right questions to direct the relevant channels to the mentee.
- Every piece of writing is necessary for a writer's growth. Yes, even your embarrassing journal entries when you were nine.
I'm always in awe listening to or reading about inspirational figures from our own backyard. It feels more empowering to receive such knowledge and wisdom from people closer to home. Everybody should have their own local heroes to aspire to.